Yo all my blogger peeps! Its seriously been forever! Ya I kind of hate that I suck at this whole thing! anyway I started a new blog! Go follow that one instead because im retiring this one! my new one is http://maddieallyse.blogspot.com/ Im still working on making it cute and what not so don't judge!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Saturday, November 3, 2012
LONG time NO blog!
Yo YO YO, Im BAckkkkkkkkkkkk!! What it do all my fello bloggers!! Yes i know i can barely call myself one seeing as i havent blogged in a year but whatevs. Yolo right?
I finished a year on student council...At times i loved it, at times i hated it...Overall, I just miss everyone I worked with!!!
Stayed in thatcher this summer and loved it
Had boy drama....Update: im still the most confusing girl on the plant

So here is the brief update on My life as of 2012,
I finished a year on student council...At times i loved it, at times i hated it...Overall, I just miss everyone I worked with!!!
- Two of my besties got hitched
Stayed in thatcher this summer and loved it
Had boy drama....Update: im still the most confusing girl on the plant

- went to a drive in movie and watched BRAVE.
- Started the new tradition "BS run" aka Birthday suit run!
Had a Navajo party!!
Started @EAC for my 100,000,000th semester, WAHOO!!! :)
- I turned 23. ew gross....its not easy being old
- Got a new car... Well new to me anyway. #ihaveaghettocarandi'mproudofit
- Got a work study job, i dont do anything! love it
- Apparently the lord thought I needed a calling, Im mt graham 2nd relief society president: to be honest i never expected to love it as much as i really do! Biggest blessing right dur
So we are basically caught up to date. Life recently has been wonderful. Im loving this semester. I live in Howards this semester ERGO im too social for my own good.
Worst effect of being social: 1st Math test I have BOMBED since forever...
69% ???? I could have died!
This chick is feeling my pain ^
Now im just sitting in my apartment....trying to write my wack 10 page research paper,
obviously that isnt going so well because i rediscovered my blog :)
Glad to be back!
Peace out playas!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The week from H. E. double hockey sticks
Its funny how life can be going so good a totally take a turn for the worst in no time.
For me...I will admit it.. times have been tough lately.
Last week my sweet grandma Maschue took her last breath. She had been struggling for quite a while. The last year of her life she spent in and out of hospitals and care centers trying to hold on; Her strength amazed me. I will miss her so very much but i know she is no longer in pain.
She left this world a better place!
We went to her viewing; it was great to see the family and be with them through this hard time. The next day we were heading home on the freeway and the car in front of me slammed on his breaks. I couldn't stop in time! It was a terrifying experience! It was all in slow motion and all i could remember was bracing myself and yelling out to my sisters to HOLD ON!!!
Poor Blaze! I will miss that car! We were all OK luckily.
HAPPINESS IS...That i will see my grandma again!
HAPPINESS IS...That even though my sisters weren't wearing their seat belts and my car was totaled, We ARE ALIVE. heavenly father was protecting us. I'm sure my dear grandma was with us too.
In life it is so easy to look at the bad, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE BAD. That's why through the bad we need to find the good :)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sleep? Who needs it?
Well apparently I do!
I think I have been lacking sleep for WAY TO LONG NOW!!
As many of you already know i was campaigning for 2 weeks for vice president! This is when I stopped sleeping at night! I worked my bum off! That work eventually paid off! I am now Student body Vice President of EAC for 2011-2012!! I am pretty Thrilled!!! I cant wait for the new school year to start!
Since then I havent gotten any better with my sleeping habits... In fact they have gotten way worse!
I Blame Tesia, Heather, Logan, and "The Hott Boy House"!!!
Why must they make things so fun at 3 o clock in the morning???!
So for the past 4 days I have been sick! Like coughing up a lung sick!
This girl knows my pain!
I have recently made a new goal to be in bed by 2 at the latest except on the weekends...Oh and I have made a goal not to scream at Basketball games when I already have a sore throat!
Wish me Luck!
It is so hard to go to bed early in college... No one every warned me about staying out so late!
Well im going to go watch some glee, lay in bed, and attempt getting better!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
SO over it!!!
Blogging while you are grumpy might not be the best idea
but here I am doing it anyway.
Not going to lie....This week hasnt been all bad.. actually it has been pretty fun!
This week i have realized....
That there are a lot of things I am so OVER... Here is a list of 10 things:
1. I am so over katie making my back seat a mess
2. I am so over Dr. Pepper...SunnyD strawberry Orange Is the NEW SHIZ
3. I am so over boys that bring down others and look at me expecting me to laugh...
4. I am over Mat077... I feel like I am in middle school math. really i shouldnt be in there
5. Im so over the consequences of staying out late every night...Why cant I just have energy 24/7?????
6. I am over people coming to my house unannounced and seeing me in hideous pjs
7. I am so over feeling like an old person because of my hurt back
8. I am so over how all the hotties at EAC are short. Not fair.
9. im so over being reminded to lock the door everyday...I think I got it!!!
10. I am SO OVER TECHNO....Evey thatcher boy likes it...
note: techno is annoying and not fun to work out to...
sorry! :)
Well Thats me blogging in a semi bad mood!
Sometimes you gotta love being the Negitive Nancy!!!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The lord knows what I need to hear!
This week has been I guess kind of spiritual for me.
I know... who would have thought...JK!
I have seen and heard things that I KNOW heavenly father wanted me to know.
On Wednesday I didn't want to go to my book of Mormon institute class because It just hasn't been the same as last semester but some strange motivation came over me and I went. I am SO glad i did too!
The spirit was so strong and It was a lesson I KNOW i needed.
We went through Alma 36-38 looking for things we would want our kids, friends, and family to know that I KNOW. I was thinking a lot about my older brother and the trails he has been facing the last few years. One thing I want him to know that i know is that even when it seems like you are in "the gall of bitterness" Heavenly father can help you out if you come unto him.
In seminar today Brother Palmer gave an awesome lesson on Talents! Sometimes we look at ourselves and think we dont have talents but its not true. We just need to trust in the lord and keep developing them! Bro palmer shared a Mormon message video that talked about how we need to trust in god for good things to come. Because they will whether it be soon like tomorrow or months, years or even after we die. We will be blessed for our efforts! Heavenly father is always there to help us along the way :)
I love this song that was shared today!! Totally hit home for me :)
Gotta love the spirit!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
- Basketball players are DELICIOUS!!
just sayin!!
I kind of Really want to hangout with them!!!
Ummm... So Saturday night...Eac basketball Homecoming....AWEfreakinSOME!!!
I was SO happy to be surrounded with my girls! They Make games better...because they laugh at everything I say!
The last few minutes of the game where so INTENSE!!!!!!!! Unfortunately we barely lost!!! It was still a freakin flippin good game!!!!
Then after that AMAZING game we went to EAC's Karoke party....Hmmm... There were a lot of interesting performances!! Kammie and kate actually won a gift certificate! YAY for spice girls!!
After that we went to the LAMEST bonfire i have ever been too... OK it wasnt that
bad after we ditched the country music!!
Well That got old after a while SO we decided to be total REBELS and break the sabbath 20 minutes
before monday....For Super Stop soda...................UMMmmmmm!
BEST THING EVER HAPPENED!!! Michael from the b ball team walked in..
.AND WE TALKED TO HIM!!.....and then...THE REST OF THE B BALL TEAM WALKED IN!!!...Yeahya!!!We definitely were super excited... especially because they wanted to hang with us! I am lovin me some MILK CHOCOLATE!!! hence the title of this entry!
I have Major jungle fever....B Ball players are sooooo fine! They will know my name someday!!!
MMmmk. Dont mean to make All Yall so jealous....
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