Can I just say....I LOVE EAC!
My classes are so flippin easy so I get to hangout more!
This week we did quite a bit!
On sunday My wonderful friends Tesia and heather Invited me over for dinner!!!! Then i found out that we were celebrating Levis birthday!!!! He is 23 now...and single! Jump on that Ladies!!!
Then Shalay came and was being kinda creepy when we took pictures...this is the only normal one! gosh i love her!!!!!
This is the WORLDS BEST CAKE!!!!!!!! Better than S cake is flippin HEAVENLY!!!
That was a good night! I met a couple of new people and then went to the Slut hut to play games for awhile!!!
Then Monday was awesome! It was martin luther king day so i drank CHOCOLATE Milk to support! Fhe was fun!!! I have the best FHE in the world!! The palmers cooked delicious hamburgers for us and I laughed A LOT with whitley and anna! After Fhe we went to the party in the park!! Sooo much fun! Except i got my Justin Bieber shirt to smell like smoke...yuck!
After that we went to Tesias and watched boys arm wrestle....MmmHmm!!! LOL. Then my wonderful sister, katie, returned home!!! She missed me so much ..... even though she kept leavin me out of the pictures....
Well here are a few wedding announcement pictures... im thinking about taking it up for a career... they are so photogenic and just such a cute couple!!! BeST of LuCk!!
WHITNEY FRITNEY.....I love her SINGLE!! i loved her last bf dont get me wrong but i freakin flippin love hanging out with her when she is single!!! She is soooooo fun!
Of course Jonny was ALLLLL over kammie...He would never have a chance!
The night we met new people.... So fun. but we did meet a few creepers!! Note: All most all the boys in the Howard trailers are CREEPERS...or just rude...or awkward!
We met a couple of hotties though! YEYEAH
Well i was actually in kind of a bad mood on Wednesday. I think mostly because i didnt feel good and i had classes straight till 7. I just wanted to stay in bed.... BUT I AM SOOOO GLAD I DIDNT!
I ended up going to the EAC basketball game... I love basketball... except "Jay Sean" #4 isnt on it anymore...(i guess i have to scratch that off the bucket list :( )
FUN GAME!!! After the game we got invited to help build a fort...but we made it into a competition. DAVE NICHOLAS and LOGAN GRAVER....Didnt know who they were up against... WE smoked them!!
Check out how sad they are....POOR GUYS!!! Note: Maschue's RULE!!!
Apparently we have many more competitions to come....BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!!! :)
Nothing really happened on Thursday.... It was kind of a chill day...OMG But i talked to this beautiful boy in my institute class....MMMmmmm he is YUMMY. but a Pre mi!!! :(
Oh and katie found her keys so we cruised a little....YIKES.
I loved spending time with her...she bought me food and had girl talk! The rest of the night was just chill. we hung out at tesias with lamar and just talked....still a good time though!
I went to the CHIROPRACTOR for the 1st time ever! I have no idea why...But i was so nervous! It was nice though! Except a couple hours later i was soooo sore!!
1st we went to the institute Fiesta...Ate Nachos and danced like Mexicans!!
Then I kind of crashed Demi Kemptons Birthday party! But she said it was ok...IT WAS FREEZING!!!
But they had SUMO wresting!!! freakin Hilarious!!! I loved it! And I LOVE this picture....levi is getting a SPANKING!!
Then katie did it!!!! OMG...I thought i was going to Pee my pants...yes i said it!!! I love having such a retarded sister sometimes!!!!!
The Boys then decided that they had won a competition....Apparently we lost the bacon challenge..but he didnt tell us what time...oh well everyone deserves to feel like a winner sometimes!!!
This is my buddy Jo-Nathan Arrellin...he is So flippin retarded! I dont think he can ever take a normal picture! gotta love him though!
Well that was my week!!!
There is a homecoming B Ball game tonight so...MORE TO COME
until then :)