Sunday, January 30, 2011

SO over it!!!

Blogging while you are grumpy might not be the best idea 
but here I am doing it anyway.
Not going to lie....This week hasnt been all bad.. actually it has been pretty fun! 
This week i have realized....
That there are a lot of things I am so OVER... Here is a list of 10 things:
1. I am so over katie making my back seat a mess
2. I am so over Dr. Pepper...SunnyD strawberry Orange Is the NEW SHIZ
3. I am so over boys that bring down others and look at me expecting me to laugh...
4. I am over Mat077... I feel like I am in middle school math. really i shouldnt be in there
5. Im so over the consequences of staying out late every night...Why cant I just have energy 24/7?????
6. I am over people coming to my house unannounced and seeing me in hideous pjs
7. I am so over feeling like an old person because of my hurt back

8. I am so over how all the hotties at EAC are short. Not fair.
9. im so over being reminded to lock the door everyday...I think I got it!!!
10. I am SO OVER TECHNO....Evey thatcher boy likes it...
note: techno is annoying and not fun to work out to...
sorry! :) 
Well Thats me blogging in a semi bad mood!
Sometimes you gotta love being the Negitive Nancy!!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The lord knows what I need to hear!

This week has been I guess kind of spiritual for me.
I know... who would have thought...JK!
I have seen and heard things that I KNOW heavenly father wanted me to know. 
On Wednesday I didn't want to go to my book of Mormon institute class because It just hasn't been the same as last semester but some strange motivation came over me and I went. I am SO glad i did too! 
The spirit was so strong and It was a lesson I KNOW i needed. 
We went through Alma 36-38 looking for things we would want our kids, friends, and family to know that I KNOW. I was thinking a lot about my older brother and the trails he has been facing the last few years. One thing I want him to know that i know is that even when it seems like you are in "the gall of bitterness" Heavenly father can help you out if you come unto him.
In seminar today Brother Palmer gave an awesome lesson on Talents! Sometimes we look at ourselves and think we dont have talents but its not true. We just need to trust in the lord and keep developing them! Bro palmer shared a Mormon message video that talked about how we need to trust in god for good things to come. Because they will whether it be soon like tomorrow or months, years or even after we die. We will be blessed for our efforts! Heavenly father is always there to help us along the way :)

I love this song that was shared today!! Totally hit home for me :)
Gotta love the spirit!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


- Basketball players are DELICIOUS!!
just sayin!!
I kind of Really want to hangout with them!!!
Ummm... So Saturday night...Eac basketball Homecoming....AWEfreakinSOME!!!

I was SO happy to be surrounded with my girls! They Make games better...because they laugh at everything I say!

The boys Played a dang good game i must say! Spencer scored so many points!! Mmmm I am NOT MAD AT HIM!
The last few minutes of the game where so INTENSE!!!!!!!! Unfortunately we barely lost!!! It was still a freakin flippin good game!!!! 

Then after that AMAZING game we went to EAC's Karoke party....Hmmm... There were a lot of interesting performances!! Kammie and kate actually won a gift certificate! YAY for spice girls!! 
After that we went to the LAMEST bonfire i have ever been too... OK it wasnt that 
bad after we ditched the country music!! 
Well That got old after a while SO we decided to be total REBELS and break the sabbath 20 minutes
 before monday....For Super Stop soda...................UMMmmmmm! 
BEST THING EVER HAPPENED!!! Michael from the b ball team walked in..
.AND WE TALKED TO HIM!!.....and then...THE REST OF THE B BALL TEAM WALKED IN!!!...Yeahya!!!We definitely were super excited... especially because they wanted to hang with us! I am lovin me some MILK CHOCOLATE!!! hence the title of this entry! 

I have Major jungle fever....B Ball players are sooooo fine! They will know my name someday!!!
MMmmk. Dont mean to make All Yall so jealous.... 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

.....Did i mention what a FUN week it was?????

Can I just say....I LOVE EAC!
My classes are so flippin easy so I get to hangout more!
This week we did quite a bit!
On sunday My wonderful friends Tesia and heather Invited me over for dinner!!!! Then i found out that we were celebrating Levis birthday!!!! He is 23 now...and single! Jump on that Ladies!!!
 Then Shalay came and was being kinda creepy when we took pictures...this is the only normal one! gosh i love her!!!!!

 This is the WORLDS BEST CAKE!!!!!!!! Better than S cake is flippin HEAVENLY!!!
That was a good night! I met a couple of new people and then went to the Slut hut to play games for awhile!!!

Then Monday was awesome! It was martin luther king day so i drank CHOCOLATE Milk to support! Fhe was fun!!! I have the best FHE in the world!! The palmers cooked delicious hamburgers for us and I laughed A LOT with whitley and anna! After Fhe we went to the party in the park!! Sooo much fun! Except i got my Justin Bieber shirt to smell like smoke...yuck!

 After that we went to Tesias and watched boys arm wrestle....MmmHmm!!! LOL. Then my wonderful sister, katie, returned home!!! She missed me so much ..... even though she kept leavin me out of the pictures....

 Well here are a few wedding announcement pictures... im thinking about taking it up for a career... they are so photogenic and just such a cute couple!!! BeST of LuCk!!
 WHITNEY FRITNEY.....I love her SINGLE!! i loved her last bf dont get me wrong but i freakin flippin love hanging out with her when she is single!!! She is soooooo fun!
Of course Jonny was ALLLLL over kammie...He would never have a chance!
The night we met new people.... So fun. but we did meet a few creepers!! Note: All most all the boys in the Howard trailers are CREEPERS...or just rude...or awkward!
We met a couple of hotties though! YEYEAH

Well i was actually in kind of a bad mood on Wednesday. I think mostly because i didnt feel good and i had classes straight till 7. I just wanted to stay in bed.... BUT I AM SOOOO GLAD I DIDNT! 
I ended up going to the EAC basketball game... I love basketball... except "Jay Sean" #4 isnt on it anymore...(i guess i have to scratch that off the bucket list :( )
 FUN GAME!!! After the game we got invited to help build a fort...but we made it into a competition. DAVE NICHOLAS and LOGAN GRAVER....Didnt know who they were up against... WE smoked them!!
 Check out how sad they are....POOR GUYS!!! Note: Maschue's RULE!!!
 Apparently we have many more competitions to come....BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!!! :)
Nothing really happened on Thursday.... It was kind of a chill day...OMG But i talked to this beautiful boy in my institute class....MMMmmmm he is YUMMY. but a Pre mi!!! :( 
Oh and katie found her keys so we cruised a little....YIKES.
I loved spending time with her...she bought me food and had girl talk! The rest of the night was just chill. we hung out at tesias with lamar and just talked....still a good time though!

I went to the CHIROPRACTOR for the 1st time ever! I have no idea why...But i was so nervous! It was nice though! Except a couple hours later i was soooo sore!!
1st we went to the institute Fiesta...Ate Nachos and danced like Mexicans!!
Then I kind of crashed Demi Kemptons Birthday party! But she said it was ok...IT WAS FREEZING!!!
 But they had SUMO wresting!!! freakin Hilarious!!! I loved it! And I LOVE this picture....levi is getting a SPANKING!!

 Then katie did it!!!! OMG...I thought i was going to Pee my pants...yes i said it!!! I love having such a retarded sister sometimes!!!!!

The Boys then decided that they had won a competition....Apparently we lost the bacon challenge..but he didnt tell us what time...oh well everyone deserves to feel like a winner sometimes!!! 

This is my buddy Jo-Nathan Arrellin...he is So flippin retarded! I dont think he can ever take a normal picture! gotta love him though!
Well that was my week!!! 
There is a homecoming B Ball game tonight so...MORE TO COME
until then :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh how I LOVE Sundays!!!!!!

Its me again..
its 5:18 on Sunday January 16th, 2010
I woke up this morning in the BEST mood! Im not exactly sure why lol! There i was rocking out with head phones to Avril lavigne (which i guess isnt exactly sunday appropriate) while my roommate was dead asleep! I have no idea how she slept through that! Well of course i got up and got ready for church. I love going to church! There are soooooooo man yummy R.M.'s!!!
Dont you just love the first sunday of the semester when you get to see what the 
guy pool is looking like???!! BECAUSE I DO! Oh but there are definitely other reasons i love church!!! Today im not going to lie.... sunday school was boring to me. Well mostly because i just couldnt focus but I LOVED sacrament meeting! My buddy Jonny visited our ward today....And he is a complete idiot... but he makes life more entertaining! All the talks were good! Especially my Very good looking friend Brady's!! Well now im off to go party it up mormon style at Tesias!! 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Kick A Bucket list for 2011!!

So as the year ended last night the phrase "Life is what you make it" kept repeating in my mind! I am going to Make my life freakin interesting all on my own!! So guess what i did??
Well obviously I made a KICK A BUCKET LIST 2011!!!

  • ð        Get all A’s in my classes
  • ð         Take a Spur of the Moment Trip
  • ð        Go skinny dipping or streaking?
  • ð        Flash Rave in the Library During Finals Week
  • ð        Go to one of my School’s Team’s Away Games
  • ð        Prove the existence of magic
  • ð        Learn how to break dance
  • ð        have an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
  • ð        Milk a cow
  • ð        Try sushi
  • ð        Dropped a cat from a high place to see if it really lands on all fours
  • ð        Learned to juggle
  • ð        Conquer the Rubik’s cube without peeling off the stickers
  • ð        Stay up all night long and watched the sun rise
  • ð        Make decisions quickly
  • ð        Give more than I can afford to charity
  • ð        Lose weight and be happy with my figure
  • ð        Go on a cruise and pretend just for a small moment that i am kate winslet with my own leo dicaprio. Lol
  • ð        Apologize to someone I were mean to in middle school.
  • ð        Make a real BEST guy friend who is really just a friend.
  • ð        Be involved in student council
  • ð        Learn to do my own taxes and how to manage my own money.
  • ð        Take my parents out to a nice dinner.
  • ð        Start a blog about my life and update it regularly
  • ð        Learn to drive a manual car.
  • ð        GO TO DISNEYLAND!
  • ð        Kiss a born and raised Thatcher boy
  • ð        Sneek into a movie
  • ð        Meet someone famous and “accidentally” smack their bum
  • ð        Be front row at a concert
  • ð        Learn how to beat box
  • ð        Talk to “Jay Sean” #4 on basketball team
  • ð        Go somewhere and use a fake identity
  • ð        Smile when someone is yelling at me
  • ð        Feed a wild animal
  • ð        Date someone, get dumped, and remain best friends with them even though they broke my heart
  • ð        Effect someone's life
  • ð        make 50 people smile, in one day
  • ð        Go to general conference
  • ð        Reconnect with jake
  • ð        Finish the book of mormon for the 2nd time
  • ð        crash a wedding
  • ð        Try being veggie for a week!
  • ð        Go mud wrestling with someone
  • ð        Steal something such as a sign or lawn decoration
  • ð        Plan a paint dance party and have a ton of people come
  • ð        Go on a blind date
  • ð        Fall in love
  • ð        Go ice skating
  • ð        Sing karaoke
  • ð        Buy a fanny pack and a pogo stick
  • ð        Be a matchmaker: Introduce my single friends to each other (the rest is up to them!)
  • ð        Knit a scarf
  • ð        Call the customer service just to thank them for the great service
  • ð        Hug every mascot I see
  • ð        Stay awake for 48 hours
  • ð        Be able to keep a straight face
  • ð         See Jonny Arrellin shirtless

Don’t be jealous…. You can make one too!! This is going to be an amazing year! I CAN FEEL IT!!!!!


Can I just say that i absolutely love my family! They are ridiculous! Today was a cranky day.... I am pretty sure the only one excited for the talent show was Josh.... We all had crumby attitudes and were fighting all day! Some how we were able to bring it all together by tonight. Kammie and I shared a wonderful music number... you may have heard of it... Rudolf the Red nose Reindeer! we rocked it! What can I say!!!

 Josh.... well his trumpet playing was... well... good effort? Haha. it was cute! he was so proud of his song... even if non of us could figure out what song he was playing!

Katies talent on the other hand was SOOOOOo funny! I literally got a headache from laughing so hard! I dont know how she comes up with such things! She entertained us by Playing "Eye of the Tiger" for us and doind a little work out dance! what a goof ball... she ended it with showing us some self defense tricks! Got to love her random humor!

I loved everything about to night! Merry Xmas eve to all!!

Christmas day was great!!! Well Josh woke katie and i up at 4am.... Not so great! But the rest...GREAT! I got a new camera! Therefore, you will be seeing a lot more pictures :) and cute clothes and $$$$$
We had an amazing dinner and then headed over to Alans... where we had another amazing dinner! There are definitely up sides to being children of divorce!! Alan got me really nice art supplies! i am pretty psyched!

CELEBRATING IS BASICALLY OUR FAVORITE THING EVER! So Wilkins family invited us to their late Xmas!! We went shooting and had an amazing dinner!!

Also Sister Wilkins was showing us how to DOUGIE! BEST MOMENT EVER!

Next up we have ALEX'S 16TH BIRTHDAY!!!
Dude I really dont know how i feel about my little midget growing up.... but its happening! Now she can date! YIKES!!! But i love the girl! Happy birthday!!